Today’s post features the reception and some pretty pictures taken at sunset. As mentioned before, the reception took place in the pole shed. Boyd and April and April’s family worked on cleaning out the shed for months. It really was used as a shed before the reception. Boyd and April, who live outside of Eau Claire, came down on weekends to help clean and decorate. It was worth it because it was such a beautiful reception.
Boyd’s son gave a toast, which caused Boyd to choke up a bit.
I stole everyone for some sunset pictures right before the dance started.
April’s niece reminded me so much of April as a child.
I took lots of walking pictures at this wedding and a lot of landscapes.
This shot was April’s idea. They climbed through the hayloft! I think Boyd and April definitely deserve an award for being one of my most adventurous couples. The pictures are so worth it though.
Boyd couldn’t get his ring off. So, sadly this is our one ring shot, but I like how simple it is.
I couldn’t decide between color or black and white for the first dance pictures. So, you get both.
April and Boyd, what can I say? I’m so happy for you two, and I’m so happy that I could be a part of your wedding. You had a spectacular day and I enjoyed every minute of it – even the dollar dance. 😉 Congratulations, I wish you many years of happiness together.
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WOW is all I can say, what an amazing wedding! Love the details and the rustic feel, and the bride is STUNNING! Very beautiful images!