First of all, an office note. I am now out of the office until August 20. I will be checking email randomly, but I won’t be very timely in my response. Thank you for understanding.
Max is one year old today. In some ways, I can hardly believe it. In other ways, I feel like it can’t possibly be just one year. There are so many things that I could write about this past year because really, I’ve had two babies: Max and my business. Having a baby and starting a business at the same time probably isn’t the wisest move a person could make, but it is what I needed to do. I’ve spent a lot of time in our house, I haven’t gotten much sleep (much? any?), I’ve met some truly amazing people, I’ve cried in happiness and sadness, and most importantly, I got to see my baby boy grow up into a toddler. It’s really been overwhelming, but I wouldn’t change a thing. And, I really can’t take all the credit for Max in the last year. Ryan is truly the best dad and the best husband. Ryan, thank you for being SO supportive.
As noted, I’m going to be out of town for awhile. So, for the rest of the week you get some special Max postings. Enjoy!
To start off, we celebrated Max’s birthday last weekend. Though their visit wasn’t to celebrate Max’s birthday, we had some special visitors on Saturday (friends of mine from college and their two children). I think Max had a blast. I hope Rachel doesn’t mind that I link to this picture. She used her fancy camera remote to take a picture of all of us that I like a whole lot (and it is the only picture of me from the whole weekend!).
On Sunday, my family came over for a TINY birthday party. We had a banner and balloons and hats, and I made cupcakes.
Max wouldn’t eat his cupcake. We tried again later in the afternoon, and he had a few bites, but he was just not interested. I’m not sure if he is really my kid or not. 🙂
Max made out like a bandit with the presents. We need a bigger house.
There are more pictures from the weekend on Flickr. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3. You won’t be disappointed.
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Happy birthday, Max!
Happy Birthday Max!!! 🙂
And happy birth day to you too Tiffany — your baby and your business. What a year!!! 🙂
Enjoy the celebrations and all the new discoveries the 2nd year brings!
Happy birthday, Max B!